This trip leads through two ice-made valleys which are located near by one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the Tatras called Skok (The Jump) in Mlyská Valley and is considered as physically and technically more difficult.
The starting point is a village Štrbské mountain-lake. From the mountain-lake itself we will follow the yellow tourist sign across the sport area above springboard and lover stop of the cablecar going to Solisko. Easy path leads through the wood, later turns into knee timber mixed with high-mountain pine trees- stone pines. After an hour and half we´ll get to the massive mountain rock bar over which with the great energy fall down the waters of the waterfall Skok. Waterfall is impressive, especially when there is a high flow, like it was at the beginning of this year (2011), when it rained almost every day for two weeks. It is 25 meters high and falls straight down on the huge stone blocks. Here we will climb higher holding to the chains because the rocks are smooth and quite slippery. We will have a brake at the lake above waterfall Skok in the altitude of 1801 m.a.s.l. Then we will continue through the colorful Mlynská Valley.
On the right side in front of us there will be a mountain saddlebow Bašta with the highest peak Satan (2421,5 m.a.s.l.), on the left side there will be the mountain range Solisko which we will all walk around. The path leads through rock bars to the left from the Kozie plesá (Goat mountain-lakes) and Capie pleso ( Ram mountain-lake). From this point the path curves left in a sharp angle going all the way to Bystrá lávka where we get from waterfall Skok in two hours. While hiking up to the mountain saddle we will get a spectacular view of the valley with Capie mountain-lake and Round mountain-lake, which happen to be still partially frozen even in the middle of juli. Above the lakes is majestic Štrbský štít ( 2381m.a.s.l.), further ahead we can see Vysoká ( 2560 m.a.s.l.). After we reach the mountain saddle Bystrá lávka (2300 m.a.s.l.) we will get to see mountain saddlebow Kriváň from untraditional east side, but very beautiful and photogenic as well.
The mountain saddle is possible to access also from the opposite side, but it is very difficult and in the case of summer snow fields even dangerous to life. Even though there are chains, rock is crumbling under the feet and you have to be very careful. With other decline we will come down to Vyšné Wahlenberg mountain-lake (2157 m.a.s.l.) which is the second highest located lake in the High Tatras after Modré mountain-lake (2189 m.a.s.l.). On the right side from Wahlenberg mountain-lake is Furkotský peak and Ostrá with Kozí ridge, which are really sharp shaped and create an unreachable wall of the valley. Among the big rock blocks we will walk down to Nižné Wahlenberg mountain-lake and futher to Furkotká valley.
From here is the path more relaxed and in about two hours we´ll come to the crossroad of blue and yellow tourist tracks. Yellow continues further down the valley, we´ll turn left and after short
elevation we´ll get to the upper stop of the new 4-seat cablecar going to the Chalet bellow Solisko. It is located on the beautiful place with spectacular view of Štrbské mountain-lake and Liptovská fold. Here we will have time to rest on the terrace in front of the chalet or inside as well. Place is a favorite tourist spot for people who take the cablecar from Štrbské mountain-lake to Solisko. From here it is possible to follow red signs and hike to Predné Solisko ( approx. 1 hour, back only half hour). From Solisko we´ll follow blue tourist track which leads bellow cablecar and in about hour and 20 min. we´ll reach Štrbské mountain- lake. If we prefer rather protect our knees there is an option to take a cablecar and then afterwards use the saved time for the walk around colorful Štrbské mountain-lake which is really beautiful with many magical corners.
The whole trip is 12,4 km long- considered as difficult with the elevation of 1018 m.
Photos and height GPS profile of the hiking track are provided by the Spanish hiking club Vetusta Grupo Montañero from Oviedo.