Climbing the Kriváň peak
Milan Šalko2021-02-28T22:43:48+00:00Climbing the Kriváň peak
Climb on the Kriváň starts from two points. One is called Tri Studničky ( Three Wells) and the other possibility is Štrbské mountain-lake (Štrbské pleso) going along Jamské pleso. We will start from the first mentioned starting point- Tri studničky. The climb itself is a very challenging, all day long trip but in the same time one of the most fascinating hikes you can experience in Slovakia. Kriváň is without an doubt considered one of the most photogenic, majestic peaks and truly deserve to be a symbol of Slovakia.
Who gets to the top of this magnificent mountain will be speechless and astonished how beautiful Tatras are. The height of 2500 meters above the sea level offers the picture of the High Tatras like they would be on the palm of your hand. Valleys are almost one kilometer lower, surrounded with high-mountain peaks unreachable for ordinary people. This performance is even more breathtaking with the crystal clear turquoise lakes you can enjoy. From this far distance they appear like the turquoise eyes. I counted 6 of these lakes from the top of the mountain.On the other- western side we see colourful ridge of The West Tatras (Západné Tatry) and on the southern side after wide fold called Lipovská kotlina you can see 97 km long edge of The Low Tatras (Nízke Tatry) and at the far back extinguished volcano Poľana.